Category: Personal Things

  • The one where I do explain my pictures

    So a few weeks ago I shot one black and white picture of my every day life each day for seven days. There were not supposed to be any explanations, but this is my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want. :) Day 1 – Publix The first day, a Tuesday, just…

  • On anxiety, and what it means to me

    I am writing this to see if it helps my own issues and in hopes that this helps anyone else on this fine mental health awareness day as well (even though I’m a day late now, d’oh!). I am definitely _not_ interested in a pity party. Now, get ready for some rambling. And inb4 “woa,…

  • My 2014. There may be many like it, but this one’s mine.

    This is going to be frank and open. Probably more so than most people are used to from me. I’m not one to openly share personal things, especially on the Internets, possibly out of fear of it being abused like a weakness or something silly. Perhaps that’s also why I feel a Wall is the…