Category: Accessibility

  • WordPress involvement: 0 to plaid in a month

    Disclaimer: This post is a bit humble-braggy. You’ve been warned. People that know me will know that I’m comfortable in my little shell that allows me to do my thing in the background. Like a Roadie (by Tenacious D). Since finding and fixing my first WordPress bug (told you, humble-brag), I’ve been mainly lurking in…

  • Test for potential accessibility issues

    Are you interested in improving your website’s accessibility, but not sure where to start? There’s tools out there that will help you get started! The tool that we use for this very purpose is “WAVE”. You can use their online verification tool or download their toolbar for Chrome or Firefox. This tool will not only…

  • Accessible content in WordPress

    Accessibility is not just for developers. It is probably much more important when you’re a content manager/webmaster/marketing associate. You’re constantly writing content in WordPress long after a developer is done with the website and so it’s important to know how to make use some of the tips described here while you’re doing it. So how…

  • Some Accessibility Basics

    Update August 21st 2014: I’ve updated the skip-links section to add a fix for an issue in Internet Explorer and Chrome. This fix has been described in this “Fixing Skip to Content Links” article by Nicholas C. Zakas and so is not mine. Credit where credit is due :). For my job at Highforge I…